Bach Bibliography
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TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Agricola, Martin:   Musica Instrumentalis Deutsch. Wittemberg: Rhaw, 1529 - Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1896. 295p; Hildesheim [u.a.]: Olms, 1969.
2. Akiyama, Motoo:   Bach Zuiso. [Essays on Bach] Tokyo: Bungei sha, 2004. 273p. ISBN: 4-8355-7635-7.
3. Alcaraz Iborra, Mario; Montańés, Francisco:   Ricardo Gallén y las suites para laúd de Bach. Ritmo 85/874 (May 2014), 48-49. [Ricardo Gallén and the suites for lute by Bach]
4. A. M.:   John Sebastian Bach (From Grove's 'Dictionary of Music and Musicians'). DwightJM 37/24 (2 Mar 1878), 187-188. [To be continued]
5. A. M.:   John Sebastian Bach (From Grove's 'Dictionary of Music and Musicians'. Concluded from page 188). Bach-Gesellschaft. DwightJM 37/25 (16 Mar 1878), 193-195.
6. Antolini, Bianca Maria; Mastroprimiano, Costantino; Scarpellini Pancrazi, Francesco (eds.):   Il giovane Mendelssohn: Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Perugia, Conservatorio 'F. Morlacchi', 4-5 dicembre 2009). a cura di Bianca Maria Antolini, Costantino Mastroprimiano, Francesco Scarpellini Pancrazi. - Lucca: Libreria Musicale Italiana (LIM), 2016. 248p. ISBN: 978-88-7096-843-9; 88-7096-843-X. (= Strumenti della ricerca musicale: Collana della Societŕ Italiana di Musicologia, 21) [contents]
7. Bach Bachtischa, Michael:   Die Suiten für Violoncello von Johann Sebastian Bach: Einige Gedanken zu ihrer Ausführung mit dem Rundbogen. Orchester(Mainz) 45/ 7-8 (1997), 16-20.
8. Baczewska, Magdalena:   In Search of Bach's Cantabile: The Role and Aspects of Oratory and Singing in Keyboard Interpretation. Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG., 2009. 104p. ISBN 978-3-8383-0468-7.
9. Bania, Maria; Skowroneck, Tilman:   Affective practices in mid-18th-century German music-making: reflections on C. P. E. Bach's advice to performers. EarlyM 48/2 (2020), 193-203.
10. Baroni, Mario; Addessi, Anna Rita; Caterina, Roberto; Costa, Marco (eds.):   Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC). [cr]ICMPC2006 (2006) Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2006. ISBN: 88-7395-155-4.
11. Blahynka, Miloslav:   Reflexia Johanna Sebastiana Bacha vo filozofii 20. storočia. SlovenskaHudba 26/4 (2000), 417-424. [Johann Sebastian Bach as reflected in 20th-century philosophy] Latin 2
12. Boelcke, Andreas M.:   Chopin's 24 Préludes, Opus 28: A Cycle Unified by Motion between the Fifth and Sixth Scale Degrees. diss. (2008), xii, 81p. DMA diss., University of Cincinnati, 2008. xii, 81p.
13. Bogdan, Izabela; Miernikiewicz, Patryk:   'Confessio fidei Bachiana'. Religious Experience of God in the Works of Johann Sebastian Bach. CompostelaPrize 2 (2002), 205-215.
14. Bonisconti, A. M.:   Terzo programma - Omaggi a Bach. Domenica, ore 21,50 - Lunedě, ore 22,25 - Martedě, ore 22,35 - Terzo programma. Subato, ore 17,20 - Rete azzurra. Radiocorriere 27/46 (12-18 Nov 1950), 13-14.
15. Borio, Gianmario; Garda, Michela (eds.):   L'esperienza musicale: Teoria e storia della ricezione. [The musical experience: The theory and history of reception] Torino: Edizioni di Torino, 1989. v, 225p. ISBN: 88-7063-063-3. (= Biblioteca di cultura musicale. Documenti) [contents]
16. Brandazza, Eva; Brandazza, Marco:   Marco Enrico Bossi und die ital. Orgelbaukunst seiner Zeit. MGottesd 60/3 (May 2006), 104-111.
17. Brezneva, Irina Vâceslavovna; Malinina, Galina Mihajlovna (eds.):   Russkie muzykal'nye arhivy za rubezom, zarubeznye muzykal'nye arhivy v Rossii. [Russkie muzykal'nye arhivy za rubezom, zarubeznye muzykal'nye arhivy v Rossii; Moscow; 1998] Moskva: Gosudarstvennaâ Konservatoriâ imeni P. I. Čajkovskogo, 2000. 237p. ISBN: 5-89598-083-X. (= Naucnye trudy Moskovskoj Gosudarstvennoj Konservatorii im. P. I. Čajkovskogo, 31) [contents] Latin 2
18. Brežneva, Irina Vâčeslavovna; Malinina, Galina Mihajlovna (eds.):   Russkie muzykal'nye arhivy za rubežom, zarubežnye muzykal'nye arhivy v Rossii. V: Materialy meždunarodnyh konferencij. [Russian musical archives abroad, foreign musical archives in Russia. V: Proceedings from international conferences] Moskva: Gosudarstvennaâ Konservatoriâ imeni P. I. Čajkovskogo, 2010. 252p. ISBN: 5-89598-233-6; 978-5-89598-233-4. (= Naučnye trudy Moskovskoj Gosudarstvennoj Konservatorii im. P. I. Čajkovskogo, 66) [contents] Latin 2
19. Brzoska, Matthias; Heinemann, Michael (eds.):   Die Geschichte der Musik. I: Die Musik von den Anfängen bis zum Barock. Laaber: Laaber-Verlag, 2001. x, 395p. ISBN: 3-89007-521-5; 3-89007-520-7; 978-389007-520-4. [contents]
20. Brzoska, Matthias; Heinemann, Michael (eds.):   Die Geschichte der Musik. II: Die Musik der Klassik und Romantik. Laaber: Laaber-Verlag, 2001. 405p. ISBN: 3-89007-522-3; 3-89007-520-7; 978-389007-520-4. [contents]
21. Brzoska, Matthias; Hofer, Hermann; Strohmann, Nicole K. (eds.):   Hector Berlioz: Ein Franzose in Deutschland. [Beiträge des Internationalen Musikwissenschaftlichen Kongresses 'Hector Berlioz und die Deutschen', der im Rahmen des Berlioz-Festivals vom 16. - 18. Juni 2003 in Kooperation mit der Philipps-Universität Marburg an der Folkwang-Hochschule in Essen-Werden stattfand] Laaber: Laaber-Verlag, 2005. 352p. ISBN: 3-89007-600-9. [contents]
22. Carbonell Gras, Juan Miguel:   Descubre la música cantando a J.S. Bach: 20 lecciones de solfeo de fácil a mediana dificultad. [Discovering music by singing J.S. Bach: Twenty easy and intermediate lessons in solfčge] Trans. by Carlos Jimeno. Valencia: Rivera, 1991. 83p.
23. Chastellux, François-Jean Marquis de:   Essai sur l'union de la poésie de la musique. La Haye, 1765. - [Réimpr. de l'éd. de La Haye et Paris, 1765] Genčve: Slatkine Reprints, 1970. iv, 94 p
24. Ciglar, Miha; Marolt, Matija; Kaltenbrunner, Martin (eds.):   Non-cochlear sound: ICMC 2012 ; proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference ; 9. - 14. September 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia / IRZU. Institute for Sonic Arts Research; [IMCA, International Computer Music Association]. Conference chair: Miha Ciglar. Proceedings co-ed.: Matija Marolt ... - San Francisco: International Computer Music Association, 2012. 617p. ISBN: 0-9845274-1-9; 978-0-9845274-1-0. [contents]
25. Colturato, Annarita; Merlotti, Andrea (eds.):   La festa teatrale nel Settecento: Dalla corte di Vienna alle corti d'Italia. [The theatrical celebration in the eighteenth century: From the Viennese court to the Italian courts] [Convegno Internazionale di Studi Reggia di Venaria (2009)] - Lucca: Libreria Musicale Italiana (LIM), 2011. xiii, 333p. ISBN: 88-7096-669-0; 978-88-7096-669-5. [contents]
26. Della Chiesa d'Isasca, Marco:   Per una rilettura di Bach: Osservazioni sulla struttura e sulla interpretazione del preludio e fuga in fa maggiore (N. 11) dal primo volume del Clavicembalo ben temperato di J.S. Bach. Eunomio 7 (Fall 1987), 3-10. [Rereading Bach: Observations on the structure and interpretation of the prelude and fugue in F major (no. 11) from the Wohltemperirtes Clavier I by J.S. Bach]
27. Della Chiesa d'Isasca, Marco:   Per una rilettura di Bach: Osservazioni sulla struttura, sulle componenti stilistiche e sulla interpretazione del preludio e fuga in do diesis maggiore (n.3) dal secondo volume del Clavicembalo ben temperato di J.S. Bach. II. Eunomio 20 (Spring-Summer 1993), 3-17. [Rereading Bach: Observations on the structure and interpretation of the prelude and fugue in C# major (no. 3) from the Wohltemperirtes Clavier II by J.S. Bach. II]
28. Dinglinger, Wolfgang; Schmidt, Christian Martin (eds.):   De Matthäus-Passion: 100 jaar passietraditie van het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest. Bussum: Thoth, 1999. 174p (with 1 CD). ISBN: 90-6868-218-0. [contents]
29. Dreese, Mia; Maas, Hans:   Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Sonata per il Flauto traverso solo senza Basso, I: Poco adagio. Fluit 11/2 (Mar 2003), 10-15. Analyse.
30. Drozdova, Marina Anatol'evna:   Judina: Vzgljad na HTK. MuzykalnajaZizn 7 (2000), 9-11. [Marija Judina: A view of Das wohltemperierte Klavier]
31. Dulat-Aleev, Vadim Robertovič; Bražnik, Larisa Vladimirovna; Maklygin, Aleksandr L'vovič (eds.):   Nauka o muzyke: Slovo molodyh učenyh—Materialy III Vserossijskoj Naučno-Praktičeskoj Konferencii. [Music scholarship: Research by young scholars—Proceedings of the Third All-Russian Scholarly Conference] [Nauka o muzyke: Slovo molodyh učenyh (2008): Kazan', Russia] - Kazan': Gosudarstvennaâ Konservatoriâ, 2009. 467p. ISBN: 5-85401-122-0; 978-5-85401-122-8; 978-5-85401-122-8. [contents] Latin 2
32. European American Music:   The New Bach Edition. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 3 (Mar 1985), 73.
33. Evseeva, Marina:   Muzyka I.S. Baha v ispolnenii Tat'jany Nikolaevoj. [ce]MuyzkalnoeIspolnitelstvo 2 (1983) [J.S. Bach's music performed by Tat'jana Nikolaevna]
34. Falletta, Martina:   Anonym überlieferte Kantaten im Bestand der Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main. StMaterMw 49 (2008), 425-434.
35. Falletta, Martina:   Die Kantaten Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn von Telemann und Bach. MagdeburgTelemannSt 18 (2005), 94-110.
36. Falletta, Martina (ed.):   RISM - Wissenschaftliche und technische Herausforderung musikhistorischer Quellenforschung im internationalen Rahmen: [Kongress vom 6. bis 9. März 2002 in der Frankfurter Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst] = Academic and technical challenges of musicological source research in an international framework. Hrsg. von Martina Falletta ... - Hildesheim, Zürich [u.a.]: Olms, 2010. 380p. ISBN: 978-3-487-14431-3. (= Studien und Materialien zur Musikwissenschaft, 58) [contents]
37. Falletta, Martina:   Telemanns Kompositionen aus dem Blickwinkel neuer, durch das RISM-Projekt erschlossener Quellen. TelemannKonfBer 16 (2011), 178-207.
38. Falletta, Martina; Mehlhorn, Annette; Siegele, Ulrich (eds.):   Georg Philipp Telemanns Passionsoratorium 'Seliges Erwägen' zwischen lutherischer Orthodoxie und Aufklärung. Theologie und Musikwissenschaft im Gespräch. Hrsg. von Martina Falletta, Annette Mehlhorn, Ulrich Siegele. - Frankfurt am Main: Haag + Herchen, 2005. 282, ix p. ISBN: 3-89846-311-7 (= Arnoldshainer Texte, 127) [contents]
39. Falletta, Martina; Ward, Jennifer A.:   Conference Report: 'Sammeln - Musizieren - Forschen. Zur Dresdner Höfischen Musik des 18. Jahrhunderts'. BachNotesABS 24 (Spring 2016), 9-11.
40. Freemanová, Michaela; Mikanová, Eva:   'My honourable lord and father...': 18th-century English musical life through Bohemian eyes. EarlyM 31/2 (May 2003), 210-231.
41. Friedrich, Dorothea; Maul, Michael:   'Elf Tage eine riesige BachßSelbsthilfegruppe'. MtblNBG 86 (2020), 3-5. [Ein Gespräch von Dorothea Friedrich mit dem Intendanten des Bachfestes Prof. Dr. Michael Maul über seine Vorfreude auf das 95. Bachfest der Neuen Bachgesellschaft in Leipzig.] Bachfest Leipzig 2020.
42. Frolova, Marina:   Igrat' li nam Baha? MoskovskijM 1 (1990), 254-259. [Should we play Bach?]
43. Fuchs, Christian Martin:   Von Biber bis Harnoncourt, von Muffat bis Bolton. Das 83. Bachfest der Neuen Bachgesellschaft 2008 in Salzburg. MtblNBG 60 (Sommer 2007), 14-15. Aus der Arbeit von Vorstand und Direktorium.
44. Fuchs, Christian Martin:   Wortklang - dem BACH entlang. [ce]Bachfest_Salzburg (2008), 14-16.
45. Fuchs, Christian Martin; Leisinger, Ulrich (eds.):   Das Bachbuch. Der Almanach zum Bachfest Salzburg 2008. St. Pälten - Salzburg: Residenz Verlag, 2008. 158p. ISBN: 978-3-7017-3106-0. [contents]
46. Fukuda, Mitsuo:   BCJ Soritsu 10-Nen, Omedeto gozaimasu. BCJ 43 (Jul 2000), 42. [10 years of founding BCJ, congratulations.] [Soritsu Kinen Bunshu / Anniversary Issue Essays]
47. Gifford, A. M.:   Bach on the Modern Organ. MTimes 74/1088 (Oct 1933), 934.
48. Girfanova, Marina Evgen'evna:   K probleme formy v fugah Horošo temperirovannogo klavira I.S. Baha. [ce]KazanConservatory (2005), 272-284. [The form of J.S. Bach's fugues from Das wohltemperirte Clavier] Latin 2
49. Goodhart, A. M.:   Suggestions for the Pianoforte Accompaniment of Choral Singing. MTimes 72/1056 (Feb 1931), 155-156. Letters to the Editor.
50. Gorodilova, Marina Viktorovna (ed.):   Tvorčeskie strategii v sovremennoj muzykal'noj nauke: skaâ Gosudarstvennaâ Konservatoriâ imeni M.P. Musorgskogo anniversary volume. [Creative strategies in modern musical scholarship] - Ekaterinburg: Ural'skaâ Gosudarstvennaâ Konservatoriâ imeni M.P. Musorgskogo, 2010. 556p. ISBN: 5-98602-079-0; 978-5-98602-079-2. [contents] Latin 2
51. Grifanova, Marina Evgen'evna:   Teoriâ bahovskoj fugi: Tema, protivosloženie--Na materiale fug Horošo temperirovannogo klavira. [The theory of Bach's fugues: Subject and countersubject—Analysis of the fugues from Das wohltemperirte Clavier] Kazan: Gosudarstvennaâ Konservatoriâ, 2009. 66p. ISBN: 978-5-85401-105-1.
52. Hayasaka, Makiko:   Hubert Parry no Orugan Koraru: 20-Seiki Shoki Eikoku ni okeru 'Bach-Teki' Ongaku Goho no Eikyo to sono Juyo. OruganKenkyu 40 (2012), 60-74. [Hubert Parry's Organ Chorale: The Influence and Reception of Bachian Musical Idioms in Early Twentieth-Century Britain]
53. Helman, Zofia; Poniatowska-Bylina, Maria:   Variations sur un thčme de Chopin pour piano opus 22 de Serguei Rachmaninov. [cr]Warsaw1999 (2003), ii: 281-291. [Sergej Rahmaninov's Variations on a theme of Chopin, op. 22]
54. Henderson, A. M. (ed.):   23 Organ Chorale Preludes / BACH. Selected, fingered and edited by A.M. Henderson. - Glasgow and London: Bayley & Ferguson, c.1925. 58p. [BWV 751, 716, 705, 737, 749, 667, 719, 721, 668a, 700, 615, 654, 706, 623, 645, 727, 609, 639, 643, 625, 680, 638, 622]
55. Henderson, A. M. (ed.):   An introduction to Bach for the organ. Selected, fingered and edited by A. M. Henderson. - Glasgow: Bayley & Ferguson, 1930. 68p. [Ermuntre dich, mein schwaches Geist -- Freu' dich sehr, o meine Seele -- Nun lasst uns Gott -- O Lamm Gottes Unschuldig -- Passion Chorale -- Schmücke dich o liebe Seele -- Vater unser im Himmelreich -- Christ ist erstanden -- Erbarm' dich mein, O Herre Gott -- Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend -- Herr Jesu Christ, meines Lebens Licht -- Herzlich thut mich verlangen -- Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier -- Vater unser im Himmelreich -- Aria in D major -- Fantasia in C minor -- Prelude and fugue in B flat -- Prelude and fugue in C minor -- Prelude and fugue in E minor -- Prelude and fugue in F -- Prelude and fugue in G minor -- Prelude in E minor -- Prelude from Church cantata -- Sarabande -- Sarabande in D major -- Sarabande in E flat -- Sarabande in F -- Siciliano in G minor -- Adagio in A minor.]
56. Henderson, A. M. (ed.):   Choral prelude 'Vater unser im Himmelreich' (Our Father which art in Heaven) / Bach. Edited by A.M Henderson. - London: Bayley & Ferguson, [c.1900]. Best.-Nr. B & F. 1629; B & F.O.A.5. (= Gems for the organ: a collection of favourite original compositions for the organ, together with transcriptions of many classical works. No.5) [BWV 737]
57. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Eight organ chorale-preludes / BACH. Transcribed for the pianoforte by A. M. Henderson. To A. M. and W. B. Macgeorge. - New York, G. Schirmer, c1910. 4-23p. Pl.-Nr.: 23182. (= Schirmer's library of musical classics, 1087) [1. Herzlich thut mich verlangen (BWV 727), 2. Erbarm'dich mein, O Herre Gott (BWV 721), 3. Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (BWV 731), 4. Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (BWV 638), 5. Ich ruf'zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (BWV 639), 6. Herr Gott, nun sei gepreiset (BWV 601), 7. Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (BWV 645), 8. O Mensch bewein' dein' Sünde gross (BWV 622)] [BWV 601, 622, 638, 639, 645, 721, 727, 731]
58. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Erbarm dich mein, O Herre Gott. (Have mercy upon me, O Lord). CHORAL PRELUDE BY BACH. Transcribed for Piano by A. M. HENDERSON. - London: Bayley & Fersuson Ltd; New York: G. Schirmer, 1910. pp. 6-8. (= Eight Organ Choral Preludes (Bach): Transcribed for the Pianoforte by A. M. Anderson) [BWV 721]
59. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Es ist das Heil uns kommen her. (How is salvation come unto us). CHORAL PRELUDE BY BACH. Transcribed for Piano by A. M. HENDERSON. - London: Bayley & Fersuson Ltd; New York: G. Schirmer, 1910. pp. 10-11. (= Eight Organ Choral Preludes (Bach): Transcribed for the Pianoforte by A. M. Anderson) [BWV 638]
60. Henderson, A. M. (ed.):   Fugue G minor / Bach. Edited by A.M Henderson. - London: Bayley & Ferguson, [c.1900]. Best.-Nr. B & F. 1629; B & F.O.A.5. (= Gems for the organ: a collection of favourite original compositions for the organ, together with transcriptions of many classical works. No.5) [BWV 578]
61. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Herr Gott nun sei gepreiset. (We praise Thee O God). CHORAL PRELUDE BY BACH. Transcribed for Piano by A. M. HENDERSON. - London: Bayley & Fersuson Ltd; New York: G. Schirmer, 1910. pp. 14-15. (= Eight Organ Choral Preludes (Bach): Transcribed for the Pianoforte by A. M. Anderson) [BWV 601]
62. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Herzlich thut mich verlangen. (My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God). CHORAL PRELUDE BY BACH. Transcribed for Piano by A. M. HENDERSON. - London: Bayley & Fersuson Ltd; New York: G. Schirmer, 1910. pp. 4-5. (= Eight Organ Choral Preludes (Bach): Transcribed for the Pianoforte by A. M. Anderson) [BWV 727]
63. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ. (O Lord my God, I cry to Thee). CHORAL PRELUDE BY BACH. Transcribed for Piano by A. M. HENDERSON. - London: Bayley & Fersuson Ltd; New York: G. Schirmer, 1910. pp. 12-13. (= Eight Organ Choral Preludes (Bach): Transcribed for the Pianoforte by A. M. Anderson) [BWV 639]
64. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Liebser Jesu, wir sind hier. (Blessed Jesus we are here). CHORAL PRELUDE BY BACH. Transcribed for Piano by A. M. HENDERSON. - London: Bayley & Fersuson Ltd; New York: G. Schirmer, 1910. pp. 9. (= Eight Organ Choral Preludes (Bach): Transcribed for the Pianoforte by A. M. Anderson) [BWV 633]
65. Henderson, A. M. (ed.):   Lord Jesu Christ, with us abide ... Chorale for voices in unison ... Edited by A. M. Henderson. - London, Glasgow: Bayley & Ferguson, 1931. (= The Choral Album, No. 1471)
66. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   O Mensch bewein' dein' Sünde gross. (O man bewail thy heavy sin). CHORAL PRELUDE BY BACH. Transcribed for Piano by A. M. HENDERSON. - London: Bayley & Fersuson Ltd; New York: G. Schirmer, 1910. pp. 20-23. (= Eight Organ Choral Preludes (Bach): Transcribed for the Pianoforte by A. M. Anderson) [BWV 622]
67. Henderson, A. M. (ed.):   Popular pieces for piano / Bach. Selected, edited and revised by A. M. Henderson. - London: Bayley & Ferguson, c1934. 36p.
68. Henderson, A. M. (ed.):   Prelude and fugue in E minor / Bach. Edited by A.M Henderson. - London: Bayley & Ferguson, [c.1900]. Best.-Nr. B & F. 1629; B & F.O.A.5. (= Gems for the organ: a collection of favourite original compositions for the organ, together with transcriptions of many classical works. No.5) [BWV 533]
69. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Selected Movements from the Orchestral Suites / Bach Transcribed for the pianoforte by A. M. Henderson. - London: Bayley & Ferguson, c1911. 19p. Pl.-Nr.: Bach Transcriptions Book 2. (= Bach transcriptions, Book 2) [Polonaise (BWV 1067/6), Minuet (BWV BWV 1067/7), Badinerie (BWV 1067/8), Minuet (BWV 1066/6-7), Bourée (BWV 1066/8-9), Gavotte (BWV 1068/3-4), Bourée (BWV 1068/5)]
70. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Selected pieces from Early classic masters. Transcribed for the pianoforte by A. M. Henderson. - London: Bayley & Ferguson, 1921. 35p. [Includes: Prelude and fugue in E minor / Bach ; Sicilienne (from "Organ concerto in D minor) / W. F. Bach.]
71. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Selected Pieces from the Organ Works and Chamber Music / BACH. Transcribed for the Pianoforte by A. M. HENDERSON. - London: Bayley & Ferguson, 1913. 63p. [BWV 554, 1012/4, 558, 1010/4, 560, 1031/2, 549, 650, 35/5, 1006/4-5]
72. Henderson, A. M. (ed.):   Siciliano from 2nd flute and piano sonata / Bach. Edited by A.M Henderson. - London: Bayley & Ferguson, [c.1900]. Best.-Nr. B & F. 1629; B & F.O.A.5. (= Gems for the organ: a collection of favourite original compositions for the organ, together with transcriptions of many classical works. No.5) [BWV 1031/2 (Anh. II)]
73. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme. (Wake, awake for night is flying). CHORAL PRELUDE BY BACH. Transcribed for Piano by A. M. HENDERSON. - London: Bayley & Fersuson Ltd; New York: G. Schirmer, 1910. pp. 16-19. (= Eight Organ Choral Preludes (Bach): Transcribed for the Pianoforte by A. M. Anderson) [BWV 645]
74. Henderson, A. M. (arr.):   Wake, awake! for Night is flying = Wachet auf! ruft uns die Stimme: chorale for voices in unison from the church cantata 'Sleepers, wake!' / Bach Edited by A. M. Henderson. [words by] Catherine Winkworth. - London, Glasgow: Bayley & Ferguson, [1931] 8p. Pl.-Nr.: C. A. 1470. (= The Choral Album, No. 1470) [BWV 140/4]
75. Hughes, Indra Nicholas Martindale:   Accident or Design? New Theories on the Unfinished Contrapunctus 14 in J. S. Bach's The Art of Fugue BWV 1080. diss. (2006), viii, 188p. DMA diss., University of Auckland, 2006. viii, 188p.
76. Iguchi, Motonari; Tsuchikawa, Masahiro; Fukui, Naotoshi (eds.):   Invention 2-Seibu to 3-Seibu / Bach = Inventionen: 15 Inventionen und 15 Symphonien. Tokyo: Shunjusha Shohakukan, 1943 (Showa 18). (= Shunju Gakufu 1) [BWV 772-801]
77. Inoura, Michio:   'Esutoro' ni michita Toshi, Venezia. BCJ 8 (Jul 1993) Venice - filled by 'estero'.
78. Inoura, Michio:   Itaria Ryori no koto. BCJ 10 (Dec 1993) [On Italian dishes]
79. Ishikawa, Miyuki:   J. S. Bach no Junankyoku oyobi Oratorio ni okeru Alto Solo no Yakuwari to Igi ni kansuru Kenkyu. diss. (1999) [A Study on the role of Alto Solo and its significance in J. S. Bach's Passions and Oratorios] MA diss., Tokyo Gakugei daigaku, 1999
80. Ishiyama, Maki:   Suzuki Masaaki ni kiku 'Matai Junankyoku'. Program notes. BCJ 112 (Apr 2015), 10-15. [Asking Masaaki Suzuki about St Matthew Passion]
81. Iwata, Makoto:   No to ongaku. [Brain and Music] Tokyo: Medikaru rebyusha, 2001. 340 p.
82. Jira, Martin:   Der Einfluß musikalischer Temperaturen auf die Komposition der franzözischen Suiten von Johann Sebastian Bach. PubHochsMTheaterHannover 12 (2002), 249-254.
83. Jira, Martin:   Musikalische Temperaturen in der Klaviermusik des 17. und frühen 18. Jahrhunderts. Tutzing: Schneider, 1997. 264p + 1 CD. ISBN: 3-7952-0877-7. (= Würzburger musikhistorische Beiträge, 17) [contents]
84. Jira, Martin:   Musikalische Temperaturen und musikalischer Satz in der Klaviermusik von J. S. Bach. [Zugl.: Würzburg, Univ., Diss, 1999. Rückent.: Musikalische Temperaturen bei J. S. Bach.] Tutzing: Verlag Hans Schneider, 2000. 319p + 1 CD. ISBN: 3-7952-1004-6. (= Würzburger musikhistorische Beiträge, 20) [contents]
85. Jira, Martin:   Verwendete Johann Sebastian Bach beim Komponieren der Chromatischen Fantasie und Fuge d-moll BWV 903 eine offene Temperatur? NMwJb 9 (2000), 37-47.
86. Kada, Mariko:   C. Ph. E. Bach no Chenbaro Kyosokyoku. OngakuGaku 14/1-2 (1968), 65-75. [C.P.E. Bach's harpsichord concertos]
87. Kanazawa, Masakata (ed.):   Dare mo iwanakatta 'Dai-Ensoka Bach' Kanshoho. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2000. 334p. [Appreciation methods that no one mentioned] [contents]
88. Kanazawa, Masakata:   Johann Sebastian Bach to Watashi. BachZenshu 2 (Apr 1997), 86-95. [Johann Sebastian Bach and I]
89. Kanazawa, Masakata:   J. S. Bach 7-Ban Shobu. Bach vs. Vivaldi. [ce]Daremoiwanakatta (2000), 126-145. [J. S. Bach 7 matches. Bach vs. Vivaldi]
90. Kanazawa, Masakata:   J. S. Bach 7-Ban Shobu. J. S. Bach vs. J. S. Bach (botsugo) [ce]Daremoiwanakatta (2000), 196-207. [J. S. Bach 7 matches. J. S. Bach vs. J. S. Bach (posthumous)]
91. Kanazawa, Masakata:   Junankyoku to Watashi. ReihaiToOngaku 132 (Winter 2007) [Passion and I.]
92. Kanazawa, Masakata:   Kirisutokyo Ongaku no Rekishi: Shodai Kyokai kara J. S. Bach made. [A history of Christian music: From the early churches to J.S. Bach.] - Tokyo: Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan Shuppankyoku, 2005. 400p. ISBN: 4-8184-0550-7.
93. Kanikula, Maciej:   O fortepianowych interpretacjach muzyki na instrumenty klawiszowe J.S. Bacha w minionym stuleciu. SwiatyDzwiekow 1 (2016), 8p. [Piano interpretations of J.S. Bach's music for keyboard instruments in the last century]
94. Kawabata, Maiko:   Traditions on Record: A Performance Analysis of the opening of Bach's Chaconne for Solo Violin. [p]RMARS_Cardiff (Dec 1986) A paper read at Royal Musical Association, 30th Annual Music Research Students' Conference held at University Of Wales, Cardiff on 14-17 December 1996. [BWV 1004/5]
95. Khalifa, Michel:   De tegenstelling vlees-geest in twee motetten van Bach. TijdschrMtheorie 4/3 (Nov 1999), 189-205. [The contraposition of flesh-spirit in two motets by Bach] [BWV 226-227]
96. Koch, Juan Martin; Kolb, Andreas:   Vom Kinderlied zur Bachmotette: Fachtagung zur Förderung vokaler Betätigung an Musikschulen und allgemeinbildenden Schulen. NMz(Regensburg) 64/6 (2015)
97. Kolb, Andreas; Koch, Juan Martin (eds.):   Fernüberwachung Bach'scher Fugen: Zum 100. Geburtstag des Kantors, Organisten und Komponisten Herbert Collum. NMz(Regensburg) 63/12 (2014)
98. Kopiez, Reinhard; Barthelmes, Barbara; Gembris, Heiner; Kloppenburg, Josef; Loesch, Heinz von; Neuhoff, Hans; Rotter, Gunther; Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Musikwissenschaft zwischen Kunst, Ästhetik und Experiment: Festschrift Helga de la Motte-Haber zum 60. Geburtstag. Würzburg: Konigshausen & Neumann, 1998. xxx, 670p. ISBN: 3-8260-1524-X. [contents]
99. Koscha, Melanie:   [Betr. Int. J.-S.-Bach-Wettbewerb 1992 Leipzig]. MKirche 62/6 (Nov-Dec 1992), 368. Mitteilungen
100. Koshikakezawa, Mai:   Beethoven to Baroque Ongaku: 'Gakusei' wa Senjin kara Nani o manandaka. [Beethoven and Baroque Music: what 'the master musician' learned from the forerunners] - Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomo Sha, 2020. 225, xiii p. (= Orphée)
101. Kostakeva, Marija:   Der Teufel als Symbol des totalitaren Systems: Die neuen Mythen der Sowjet-Ara am Beispiel von Alfred Schnittkes Faust-Kantate. WortM 18 (1993), ii: 611-620.
102. Kostek, Bozena; Szczerba, Marek; Wieczorkowska, Alicja:   Musikdatenbanken: Aufbau und Analyse. [ce]19Tonmeistertagung (1997), 807-812. In: 19. Tonmeistertagung: International convention on sound design. Munchen: Saur, 1997. p. 807-812
103. Kostka, Magdalena:   Sonatas for violin and basso continuo written by British composers in the first half of the eighteenth century. diss. (2014), vii, 437p. PhD diss., University of Cardiff, June 2014. vii, 437p.
104. Kraa, Maria:   Nie wahrgenommene Klänge. [ce]BegegnungenMitBach (2002), 130-131.
105. Kushida, Magoichi:   Bunkyojo no Bach. [Bach in a branch school] Tokyo: Ongaku Kansho Kyoiku Shinkokai, 1978, 174p.
106. Lamla, Michael H.:   Musical Books of Patterns in Seventeenth-Century Italy. [p]SSCM_Illinois (Apr 1998) Paper read at Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, the Sixth Annual Conference April 16-19, 1998, School of Music, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
107. Laterza, Marilena:   Alio modo: Sulle trascrizioni bachiane di György Kurtág. NuoveMusiche 2 (2017), 135-155. [Alio modo: On the Bach transcriptions by György Kurtág]
108. Lesovicenko, A. M.:   Organnaja tradicija kak vyrazenie protestantskogo miropredstavlenija. NaucnyeTrudy 56 (2006), 133-138.
109. Lisecka, Małgorzata:   O poetyce tekstu Sankt-Bach-Passion Mauricia Kagela: Rekonesans badawczy. ResFactaNova 9/18 (2007), 21-30. [About the poetics of the text Sankt-Bach-Passion by Mauricio Kagel: Research reconnaissance] Latin 2
110. Lobanova, Marina:   Allegorija i emblema v kantate J. S. Bacha 'O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort' Nr. 60. [ce]ProblemyMusykalnogoStilja (1985), 45-62. [Sinnbild und Emblem in der Kantate...] [BWV 60]
111. Lobanova, Marina:   Bild, Wort und Ton: Wie Johann Sebastian Bach Sinnbilder des Barock musikalisch umsetzte. Orchester(Mainz) 45/ 4 (1997), 23-30.
112. Lobanova, Marina:   Muzykal'nyj stil' i zanr v epohu barokko kak problema sovremmenoj istorii kul'tury (ma primere moteta). diss. (1981), 23p. [Musical style and genre in the Baroque period as a question in the contemporary history of culture, illustrated by the motet.] MA diss., Music theory: Moskovskaja Gosudarstvennaja Konservatorija imeni P.I. Cajkovskogo, Moskva, 1981. 23p.
113. Lupanova, M.:   Vesna pod znakom Baha. MuzykalnajaZizn 4 (2016), 72. [Spring under the sign of Bach] [Reports of the Bach-Fest in Ekaterinburg in March 2016.]
114. Machella, Maurizio (ed.):   Opere dubbie e spurie per organo / J. S. Bach ; 1. A cura di Maurizio. - Padova: Armelin Musica, c2002. 41p. Best.-Nr.: CM 11. (= Convivio musicale, 11) [Die Vorlage enth. insgesamt 5 Werke ; Früheres Copyright bei Padova: Euganea Ed. Comunicazioni 1994]
115. Machella, Maurizio (ed.):   Opere dubbie e spurie per organo / J. S. Bach ; 2. A cura di Maurizio Machella. - Padova: Euganea Ed. Comunicazioni, 1995. 64p. (= Convivio musicale, 12) [Enth.: BWV Anh. II,55. 57. 60. 61. 66. 73. 75. 76. 77. 78]
116. Machella, Maurizio (ed.):   Opere dubbie e spurie per organo / J. S. Bach ; 3. A cura di Maurizio Machella. - Padova: Armelin Musica, c2004. 32p. Best.-Nr.: CM 013; Best.-Nr.: CM 13. (= Convivio musicale, 13) [Enth. BWV Anh. II 63; BWV Anh. II 70; BWV Anh. II 88; BWV Anh. II 90; BWV Anh. II 97; BWV Anh. II 101]
117. Machella, Maurizio (ed.):   Opere dubbie e spurie per organo / J. S. Bach ; 4. A cura di Maurizio Machella. - Padova: Armelin Musica, c2005. 42p. Best.-Nr.: CM 14; Best.-Nr.: CM 014. (= Convivio musicale, 14) [BWV Anh. II 103; BWV Anh. II 104; BWV Anh. II 105; BWV Anh. II 106; Präludium c-Moll. Trio c-Moll. Choralbearbeitung 'Gottes Sohn ist kommen'. BWV 581 (Anh. II); BWV 597 (Anh. II); BWV Anh. III 181; BWV Anh. II 42; BWV Anh. II 46]
118. Machella, Maurizio (ed.):   Opere dubbie e spurie per organo / J. S. Bach ; 5. A cura di Maurizio Machella. - Padova: Armelin Musica, c2008. 36p. Best.-Nr.: CM 015; Best.-Nr.: A1390M. ISMN: M-2158-1390-8. (= Convivio musicale, 15) [BWV 742-752, BWV 744 alio modo]
119. Machella, Maurizio (ed.):   Opere dubbie e spurie per organo / J. S. Bach ; 6. A cura di Maurizio Machella. - Padova: Armelin Musica, c2008. 39p. Best.-Nr.: Nr. Collana CM 081; Best.-Nr.: Nr. Catalogo A1391M. ISMN: M-2158-1391-5. (= Convivio musicale, 81) [BWV 753-765 und O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig (ohne BWV-Nr.)]
120. Markovic', Tatjana; Mikic', Vesna (eds.):   (Auto)Biography as a Musicological Discourse. [Conference: The Ninth International Conference, Department of Musicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade] - Belgrad: Fakultet Muzic(ke Umetnosti, 2010. ISBN: 978-86-6051-027-5. (= Musicological studies: Proceedings, 3) [contents]
121. Markovic, Tatjana; Mikic, Vesna (eds.):   Music & networking: The seventh international conference, Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts, Belgrade. [seventh international conference of the Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Fakultet Muzicke Umetnosti, Univerzitet Umetnosti; Belgrade; 2004] Beograd: Fakultet Muzicke Umetnosti, 2005. 310p. ISBN: 86-83745-52-X. (= Musicological studies: Proceedings, 1) [contents]
122. Marx-Weber, Magda; Marx, Hans Joachim (eds.):   Ausgewählte Aufsätze zur geistlichen Musik / Arnold Schmitz. Paderborn [u.a.]: Schöningh, 1996. viii, 346p. ISBN: 3-506-70623-3. (= Beiträge zur Geschichte der Kirchenmusik, 3) [contents]
123. Mather, Betty Bang; Karns, Dean M.:   Dance Rhythms of the French Baroque: a Handbook for Performance. Indiana Univ.Press, Bloomington & Indianapolis 1987, xiv, 334p. ISBN: 0-253-31606-5; 0253316065. (= Music: Scholarship and performance)
124. Matsubara, Masaki; Tojo, Satoshi; Hirata, Keiji:   Ongaku Riron GTTM ni motozuku Ki-Kozo o mochiita Senritsu no Ninchiteki Ruijido no Doushutsu: Bach BWV 582 Passacaglia to Fuga no Bunseki o Rei ni. [Cognitive Similarity Grounded by Tree Distance based on GTTM: from the Analysis of BWV 582] The 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2014
125. Matsuda, Mariko:   C.P.E. Bach no Clavier Sonata -- Dai-1-Gakusho no Yoshiki no Hensen -- Dai-2-Ki (1749-1759) Shin'yoshiki Kakudai no Jidai. JPTABul 21 (2005), 71-82. [C. P. E Bach's clavier sonatas: the transition of the first movement's style in the second period (1749-1759): the period of development of new style]
126. Matsuda, Mariko:   C.P.E. Bach no Clavier Sonata -- Dai-1-Gakusho no Yoshiki no Hensen -- Dai-3-Ki (1760-1786) Berlin Jidai no owari to Hamburg Jidai, narabini Zentai no matome. JPTABul 23 (2007), 67-80. [C.P.E. Bach's clavier sonatas: the transition of the first movement's style in the third period (1760-1786): the end of Berlin period and Hamburg period, and whole period (1731-1786) of his sonatas]
127. Mila, Massimo:   La 'Messa in si minore' di Bach. Per soli, coro e orchestra -- Direttore: Herbert von Karajan. Mercoledě ore 21,45, Rete rossa -- Dal Teatro alla Scala di Milano. Radiocorriere 27/28 (9-15 Jul 1950), 7.
128. Mila, Massimo:   La vecchiaia di Bach. Belfagor 38 (1983), 253-264.
129. Moller, Mathias Monrad:   Besuch in der Zukunft. Kita des Forum Thomanum seit einem Jahr in Betrieb. ThomanerJ 3 (2010), 22. Forum Thomanum.
130. Moreno i Morera, Modest:   J.S. Bach: Misa en si menor. Por la entrańable misericordia de nuestro Dios nos visitará el sol que nace de lo alto, para iluminar a los que viven en tinieblas y en sombras de muerte, para guiar nuestros pasos por el camino de la paz. Filomusica 58 (Nov 2004)
131. Moreno i Morera, Modest:   Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland. Filomusica 23 (Dec 2001)
132. Murata, Margaret:   Extravagant Harmony and Dissonance in Early 'Seicento' Keyboard Music: 'Stravaganze' and 'Durrezze e ligature'. diss. (1971) M.A. diss., Univ. of Chicago, 1971.
133. Newman, S. T. M. [Sidney Thomas Mayow]:   Bach's Motet 'Singet dem Herrn' ('Sing ye to the Lord') ProceedRMA 64 (1937-38), 97-129. 28 April, 1938. Sir Percy C. Buck, D.Mus., President, In the Chair. [BWV 225]
134. Niitsuma, Masahiro:   Towards automated discovery of knowledge from Bach's original manuscripts. diss. (2013), xv, 132p. PhD diss., Queen's University Belfast, 2013. xv, 132p.
135. Niitsuma, Masahiro; Fujinami, Tsutomu; Tomita, Yo:   The Intersection of Computational Analysis and Music Manuscripts: A New Model for Bach Source Studies of the 21st Century. ISMIR 10 (2009), 519-523. In: Keiji Hirata, George Tzanetakis, Kazuyoshi Yoshii (eds.): Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2009, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan, October 26-30, 2009. International Society for Music Information Retrieval 2009, ISBN 978-0-9813537-0-8, pp. 519-524.
136. Niitsuma, Masahiro; Schomaker, Lambert; Oosten, Jean-Paul van; Tomita, Yo:   Writer Identification in Old Music Manuscripts Using Contour-Hinge Feature and Dimensionality Reduction with an Autoencoder. In: Richard Wilson et al. (eds.), Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 15th International Conference, CAIP 2013, York, UK, August 27-29, 2013, Proceedings, Part II (Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2013), pp. 555-562. ISBN: 978-3-642-40245-6 (Print) 978-3-642-40246-3 (Online).
137. Niitsuma, Masahiro; Tomita, Yo:   Classifying Bach's Handwritten C-Clefs. ISMIR 12 (2011), 417-422. In: Anssi Klapuri, Colby Leider (eds.): Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2011, Miami, Florida, USA, October 24-28, 2011. University of Miami 2011, ISBN 978-0-615-54865-4, pp. 417-422.
138. Niitsuma, Masahiro; Tomita, Yo:   The Intersection of Computational Analysis and Music Manuscripts: A New Model for Bach Source Studies of the 21st Century. [p]MwW_Belfast (Dec 2009) A poster presented at Interdisciplinary Symposium 'Music without Walls?' Source Studies in the 21st Century, held at School of Music and Sonic Arts, Queen's University Belfast from 16 to 17 December 2009.
139. Nishihara, Minoru:   19-Seiki no Cembalo Fukko. BachZenshu 11 (Jul 1996), 88-100. [Harpsichord revival in the 19th century]
140. Nishihara, Minoru:   Bach no Kyutei Seikatsu. BachZenshu 6 (Apr 1998), 166-176. Bach no Shogai. [Bach's life: Bach's Life in Court]
141. Nishihara, Minoru:   Bach no Shogai: 19-Seiki Kindai ni okeru Bach no Egakarekata. BachZenshu 10 (Jan 1998), 192-206. Bach no Shogai. [Bach's life: The way Bach was portrayed in the 19th century]
142. Nishihara, Minoru:   Bach to Keizai Seikatsu. BachZenshu 2 (Apr 1997), 144-158. Bach no Shogai. [Bach's life: Bach and Economic Life]
143. Nishihara, Minoru:   Baroque Jidai no Kekkon to Ongaku. BCJ 98 (Jul 2012), 29-33. Tokubetsu Kiko. [Wedding and Music in Baroque Era]
144. Nishihara, Minoru:   Doitsu Keimoshugi no Ongaku Bigaku. Scheibe to 1750-Nen Zengo ni okeru 'Kanseigaku' to shite no Ongaku Bigaku no Shomondai. BulFacMTokyoGeijutsuDaigaku 9 (Mar 1983), 29-53. [Musikäthetik der deutschen Aufklärung: J.A. Scheibe und Probleme der Musikästhetik um 1750.]
145. Nishihara, Minoru:   Forkel no Bach-Collection no Rekishiteki Igi. TohoGakuenBul 36 (2010), 27-46. J.N.Forkel's Collection of Bach's Works and its Historical Meanings.
146. Nishihara, Minoru:   J. N. Forkel ni yoru Bach no Sakuhin Shushu Katei to Shozo Sakuhin. [p]MSJ_Osaka (Oct 2009) [Process of J. N. Forkel's collecting of Bach's works and his collection of works] A paper read at the annual meeting of the Musicological Society of Japan held in Osaka University, 24-25 October 2009.
147. Nishihara, Minoru:   J. N. Forkel ni yoru J. S. Bach no Sakuhin Shushu Katei to Shozo Sakuhin. TohoGakuenBul 35 (2009), 39-65. A study on J.N. Forkel's collection of works of J.S. Bach.
148. Nishihara, Minoru:   Kokkyokan no Seiji to Bach Ongaku no fukai Kakawari. BCJ 116 (Feb 2016), 32-36. [Deep relationship between the international politics and Bach's music] [Interview by Maki Ishiyama]
149. Nishihara, Minoru:   Kurth kenkyu josetsu: Kurth ni okeru shinteki keiki to ongaku tetsugaku no shomondai o megutte. diss. (1978), 376p. [Prolegomena to Kurth: studies on psychological moments and music philosophy.] MA diss., Musicology: Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, 1978. 2v. 376 p.
150. Nishihara, Minoru:   Zakusen Chiho no Shomin no Seikatsu to Bach no Ongaku. BCJ 114 (2015), 10-12. [The life of ordinary people of Saxony and Bach's music] [Interview by Maki Ishiyama]
151. Nogueira, Marcos (ed.):   Anais do 5ş Colóquio de Pesquisa da Pós-Graduaçăo da Escola de Música da UFRJ. [Proceedings of the 5th Colloquium on Graduate Studies of the Music School of the UFRJ] Rio de Janeiro,Brazil: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,Escola de Música, 2004. [contents]
152. Ogawa, Masafumi:   An analysis of Reinhard Keiser's St. Mark's Passion. OitaDaigakuKGKK 14/2 (1992), 309-324.
153. Ohara, Mayumi:   Bach-ke no 'Kazoku no Shozo'. BachZenshu 8 (Jan 1998), 112-121. [Bach family's 'Family portrait']
154. Ohazama, Moriko:   Waga Kokoro no BCJ. BCJ 43 (Jul 2000), 25-26. [My heart's BCJ] [Soritsu Kinen Bunshu / Anniversary Issue Essays]
155. Oniwa, Midori:   BCJ to Watashi. BCJ 43 (Jul 2000), 26-27. [BCJ and I] [Soritsu Kinen Bunshu / Anniversary Issue Essays]
156. Oyama, Mayumi:   Bach Kenkyu no Ima. ReihaiToOngaku 161 (Spring 2014), 4-7. (Tokushu: Kyokai Ongakuka Bach) [Bach research today. (Specials: Church Musician Bach)]
157. Oyama, Mayumi:   Bach no Chenbaro Kyosokyoku. BachZenshu 14 (Dec 1995), 211-221 [40-50]. Sakuhin Kaisetsu. Kyosokyoku, Kangengakkyoku. - [Bach's cembalo concertos; commentary; BWV 1052-58, 1060-1065]
158. Oyama, Mayumi:   Dai-1-Kai (4 Gatsu 11 Nichi): J. S. Bach no Klavier Ongaku ni okeru Tayo na Yoshiki: Kyosokyoku Yoshiki o Chushin ni. KunitachiColMResearchInstBul 25 (2012), 95-99. [No.1 (11 April): Various styles among the keyboard works of J.S. Bach: focusing on concerto style]
159. Oyama, Mayumi:   [Fukugen Kyosokyoku] BWV 1055R, 1060R, 1052R, 1053R, 1059R, 1064R. BachZenshu 14 (Dec 1995), 208-211 [50-53]. Sakuhin Kaisetsu. Kyosokyoku, Kangengakkyoku. - [concertos in reconstruction; commentary]
160. Oyama, Mayumi:   Gendai no Bach Kenkyu -5- Bach no Henkyoku Giho. OngakuGeijutsu 43/ 7 (1985), 82-89. [Modern Bach research -5- Bach's transcription techniques]
161. Oyama, Mayumi:   J.S. Bach no Henkyoku Giho. (Bigakkai Dai-36-Kai Zenkoku Taikai Hokoku). Bigaku 36/3 (1985), 51. [Die Bearbeitungstechnik von J. S. Bach (Papers Read at the 36th National Congress)]
162. Oyama, Mayumi:   J. S. Bach no Senritsu Gakki to obligato cembalo no tame no Sonata. OngakuGaku 29/2 (1983), 186-198. [J. S. Bach's Sonatas for melodic instruments and obbligato harpsichord]
163. Peitsalo, Peter; Jullander, Sverker; Kuikka, Markus (eds.):   Liturgical organ music in the long nineteenth century: Preconditions, repertoires and border-crossings. Edited by Peter Peitsalo, Sverker Jullander and Markus Kuikka. [Conference 'Liturgical organ music and liturgical organ playing in the long nineteenth century' (Helsinki 2016)] - Helsinki: Sibelius-Akatemia/Sibelius Academy (Taideyliopisto/University of the Arts Helsinki), 2018. 327p. ISBN 978-952-329-091-4 (print), 978-952-329-092-1 (e-book) (= DocMus-tohtorikoulun julkaisuja/DocMus Research Publications, 10) [contents]
164. Pereira, Mayra:   A boa execuçăo em instrumentos de teclados segundo o Ensaio sobre a maneira correta de tocar teclado, de C.P.E. Bach. [cr]RioDeJaneiro2004 (2004), 33-36. [Good keyboard music performance according to C.P.E. Bach's Versuch uber die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen]
165. Perreault, Jean M.:   The Thematic Catalogue of the Musical Works of Johann Pachelbel. Ed. by Donna K. Fitch, forward by Christoph Wolff. Lanham, Maryland: The Scarecrow Press, 2004. xiii, 414p
166. Pinggera, Mario:   Bachs Orgelwerk chronologisch. ArsOrgani 55/3 (Sep 2007), 205. Diskussion.
167. Rideout, Sarah Margaret:   Johann Sebastian Bach's solo cantatas for soprano. diss. (1974) Tallahassee, The Florida State Univ. 1974.
168. Sala, Massimiliano (ed.):   Piano culture in 19th-century Paris. Ed. Massimiliano Sala. [Compositori Mitteleuropei e la Nascitŕ di un Virtuosismo Pianistico Francese/Central-European musicians and the birth of French piano virtuosity (2012): Rome] - Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. xii, 413p. ISBN: 978-2-503-55326-9. (= Speculum Musicae, 26) [contents]
169. Sannomiya, Masamitsu; Suzuki, Masaaki:   Oboe. [ce]GakkiHakubutsukan (2000), 12-15.
170. Saponov, Mihail Aleksandrovič; Zenkin, Konstantin Vladimirovič; Voinova, Marina Vladislavovna (eds.):   Muzyka i propoved': K interpretacii naslediâ I. S. Baha [2003]; materialy naucnoj konferencii. [Music and sermon: On the interpretation of J.S. Bach's compositions] - Moscow: Gosudarstvennaâ Konservatoriâ imeni P. I. Čajkovskogo, 2006. 224p. ISBN: 5-89598-164-X; 978-5-89598-164-1. (= Naučnye trudy Moskovskoj Gosudarstvennoj Konservatorii im. P. I. Čajkovskogo, 56) [contents] [ce]MuzykaIPropoved, Latin 2
171. Schabram, Kai Marius:   Der Biograph Johann Adam Hiller: Anmerkungen zu den Lebensbeschreibungen berühmter Musikgelehrten und Tonkünstler (1784). Tonkunst 9/1 (Jan 2015), 20-27.
172. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Analyse und Geschichtsauffassung. Bachs Präludium und Fuge für Orgel BWV 552. [fs]Stephan65 (1990), 97-111.
173. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Analyse und Geschichtsauffassung. Bachs Präludium und Fuge für Orgel BWV 552. MuziekWetenschap 1 (1991)
174. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   De herontdekking van de Matthäus-Passion door Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. [ce]MatthausPassion100JPKC (1999), 18-21.
175. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   'Dem Höchsten Gott Allein Zu Ehren, Dem Nechsten, Draus Sich Zu Belehren'. Die musikalische Wissenschaft des Johann Sebastian Bach. In: Musik und Religion, hrsg. von Helga de LaMotte-Haber. Laaber, 1995, 286 S, S. 61-87.
176. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Die Instrumentation der 'Sommernachtstraum'-Overtüre - Funktion und Charakteristik. JbStaatInstMf 2010 (2010), 35-44.
177. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Die Musikgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts kann man ohne Bach nicht schreiben. JbStaatInstMf 1994 (1995), 96-109.
178. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Die Wiederentdeckung der Matthäus-Passion durch Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. JbBachWoche_Dillenburg (2000), 63-68.
179. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Eine subtile Hommage an Johann Sebastian Bach. Anmerkungen zum Kopfsatz der Orgelsonate f-Moll op. 65 Nr. 1 von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Tonkunst 3/2 (Apr 2009), 141-147.
180. Schmidt, Christian Martin (ed.):   Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Kongreß-Bericht Berlin 1994. Internationaler Mendelssohn-Kongreß (Berlin): 1994.05.12-15. - Wiesbaden [u.a.]: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1997. 351p. ISBN: 3-7651-0304-7. [contents]
181. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Lobgesang--oder: Große Musik für Leipzig. LeipzigMStadt 1 (2004), 163-172.
182. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   'Meisterwerke entschlackt!' - Zur Originalfassung der Konzert- Ouvertüre zu Shakespeares Sommernachtstraum op. 21. [cr]Leipzig2005 (2005), 36-46.
183. Schmidt, Christian Martin (ed.):   Meisterwerke - gefasst! Über ausgewählte Kompositionen und diverse wiederaufgefundene Werke von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy ; Beiträge des Leipziger Mendelssohn-Symposiums 'Wissenschaft und Praxis' am 1. September 2005. hrsg. vom Gewandhaus zu Leipzig und von der Internationalen Mendelssohn-Stiftung e.V. [Wiss. Leitung des Symposiums: Christian Martin Schmidt]. - Altenburg: Kamprad, 2005. 79p. ISBN-10: 393055038-5. ISBN-13: 978-393055038-8. [contents]
184. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Stabilität und Varietät: Zum ersten Satz von Bachs viertem Brandenburgischen Konzert BWV 1049. [fs]Kross60 (1990), 87-94.
185. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Zur Entwicklung der Form im emphatischen Sinne: Bachs Orgelpräludium h-moll BWV 544. Mtheorie 1/3 (1986), 195-204.
186. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Zwischen Quellentreue und Werkrezeption, oder, Dem Wandel des historischen Bewußtseins ist nicht zu entkommen. BeihEditio 17 (2002), 3-17.
187. Schmidt, Christian Martin:   Über die Konzertform in späten Orgelkompositionen J. S. Bachs. [cr]Berlin1974 (1980), 300-302. [BWV 526/iii, 527/i, 529/i, 530/iii, 546, 552]
188. Schmidt, Christian Martin; Chailly, Riccardo; Berio, Luciano:   De innerlijke tragedie van een mens. [ce]MatthausPassion100JPKC (1999), 10-17.
189. Schmidt, Gustav Martin (arr.):   Sinfonie ou Suite ŕ grand Orchestre composée par Jean Sebastian Bach arrangée pour le Pianoforte ŕ quatre mains par Gustav Martin Schmidt. - Leipzig: Bureau de musique de C. F. Peters, [1843]. 27p. Pl.-Nr.: 2827. [BWV 1068]
190. Schmidt, Gustav Martin (arr.):   Suite No. 1-3 für Orchester componirt von Johann Sebastian Bach arrangiert für Pianoforte zu vier Händen von G. M. Schmidt. - Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [1882]. 72p. Pl.- Nr.: 6674. - repr. Best.-Nr.: Edition Peters, 226. [BWV 1066, 1067, 1068]
191. Schmierer, Elisabeth; Fontaine, Susanne; Grunzweig, Werner; Brzoska, Matthias (eds.):   Töne, Farben, Formen. Über Musik und die bildenden Künste. Festschrift Elmar Budde zum 60. Geburtstag. Laaber: Laaber-Verlag, 1995. x, 369p. ISBN: 3-89007-314-X. [contents]
192. Semënova, M. R.; Stepanova, Galina Sergeevna (eds.):   Nauka o muzyke: Slovo molodyh učenyh--Materialy I Vserossijskogo konkursa naučnyh rabot molodyh učenyh v oblasti muzykal'nogo iskusstva. [Music scholarship: Research by young scholars--Proceedings of the first all-Russian competition of scholarly works by young music researchers] - Kazan': Kazanskaâ Gosudarstvennaâ Konservatoriâ im. N.G. Žiganova, 2004. 634p. ISBN: 5-85401-054-2; 978-5-85401-054-2. [contents] Latin 2
193. Setaka, Michisuke:   Countertenor no 3tsu no Dojo. BCJ 34 (Jun 1998), [16-19]. [three training grounds for countertenors]
194. Sicca, Mario:   Articulation in the Lute Music of J. S. Bach. GuitarReview 63 (1985), 26-31.
195. Sicca, Mario:   Note critiche sul problema delle trascrizioni per chitarra. Fronimo 3/11 (Apr 1975), 23-25. [Critical notes on the problem of guitar transcriptions.]
196. Sicca, Mario:   Riflessioni di un chitarrista su alcuni problemi di articolazione nelle opere per liuto di J. S. Bach. Fronimo 13/52 (1985), 15-24.
197. Sousa, Natanael Martins de; Maia, Marcos da Silva:   Uma digitaçăo do Prelúdio da Suíte para Alaúde BWV 997 de J. S. Bach transcrito para o violăo. PerMusi 32 (Dec 2015), 394-419. [Fingering J. S. Bach's Prelude from the BWV 997 Lute Suite transcribed for the guitar]
198. Starosta, Miloslav:   Chopinova umelecká poetika a jej rezonancia. HudobnyZivot 42/5 (2010), 6-9. [Chopin's artistic poetry and its resonance]
199. Stein, Max Martin:   Erinnerungen an Karl Straube. Kmusiker 1/2 (1950), 36-37.
200. Stockigt, Janice B.; Owens, Samantha; Szuster, Jula; Maddox, Alan:   'Bach the Sublime': Australasian Reception of the St. Matthew Passion, 1875-1950. [p]BNUK_Warsaw (Jul 2013) A dialogue session presented at the Sixth J. S. Bach Dialogue Meeting at University of Warsaw, 3-7 July 2013.
201. Stokowska, Magdalena:   Kto? Co? O muzyce i muzykach. Cietkawosti, Wiersze, Wypowiedzi, Anegdoty. Warschau: Pa'nstwowe zaklady Wydawnictwo Szkolnych 1971. 347p. [Wer? Was? Über Musik und Musiker. Späße, Verse, meinungen, Anekdoten.]
202. Sugihara, Michio:   'R. Nak & His Tokyo Bach Band'. BrassBul 114 (2001), 84-86.
203. Suzuki, Masaaki; Ishiyama, Maki:   Interview: Suzuki Masaaki ga kataru. Luther no Shukyokaikaku 500-Shunen ni yosete: Bach 'Chorale Cantata' no Miryoku, I. BCJ 113 (Jun 2015), 10-13. [Interview: Masaaki Suzuki speaks. On the 500th anniversary of Luther's reformation: The attractiveness of Bach's 'chorale cantatas', part 1]
204. Sylvestre, Loďc; Costa, Marco:   The mathematical architecture of Bach's The art of fugue. SaggiatoreM 17/2 (2010), 175-195. [Summry in Italian]
205. Szoka, Marta (ed.):   Arcana musicae. ed. Marta Szoka. - Lódz: Akademia Muzyczna, 1999. 217p. ISBN: 83-901135-2-X. [contents]
206. Sánchez-Archidona, María:   Rinaldo Alessandrini: 'La música de Bach es absolutamente perfecta'. Scherzo(Spain) 21/203 (Dec 2005), 58-62. [Rinaldo Alessandrini: 'Bach's music is absolutely perfect']
207. Taira, Maiko:   Totonotta Kyokai Ongaku to iu Kyukyoku Mokuteki. BCJ 21 (Nov 1995) [Ultimate purpose called Well-regulated Church Music]
208. Taneda, Minoru:   Bach to BCJ to Watashi. BCJ 43 (Jul 2000), 33-34. [Bach and BCJ and I] [Soritsu Kinen Bunshu / Anniversary Issue Essays]
209. Tihonova, Mariâ Mihajlovna:   Opera Boârynâ Morozova R. Sedrina: K probleme žanrovogo arhetipa. MuzykaVremja 3 (2011) [R. Sedrin's opera Boârynâ Morozova: On genre archetypes] - repr. of article published in 2009.
210. Tihonova, Mariâ Mihajlovna:   Opera Boârynâ Morozova R. Sedrina: K probleme žanrovogo arhetipa. AktualnyeProblemy 2:12 (2009), 18-20. [Opera Boârynâ Morozova of R. Sedrin: To a problem of the genre archetype]
211. Tokumaru, Yoshihiko; Ohmiya, Makoto; Kanazawa, (eds.):   Tradition and its future in music. [Report of the Fourth Symposium of the International Musicological Society] Osaka: Mita, 1991. 695p. ISBN: 4-89583-083-7. [contents]
212. Tolstobrova, Marina Sergeevna (ed.):   Kak ispolnât' Baha. [Performing J.S. Bach's works] Moskva: Klassika-XXI, 2006. xxi, 208p. ISBN: 5-89817-148-7; 978-5-89817-148-3. (= Master-klass, 2006) [contents]
213. Tonella Tüzün, Lilian Maria:   Esit Düzenlenmis Klavye ve Hristiyan Sembolizmi. SahneMüzik 2 (2016), 115-129. [Das wohltemperierte Klavier and Christian Symbolism]
214. Tsukioka, Masaaki:   An interpretation of BWV 532. OrganYb 32 (2003), 99-107.
215. Tsukioka, Masaaki:   Bach no Soshoku Kigo ni tsuiteno Ichikosatsu. Orugan Sakuhin no Jitsurei o Chushin to shite. OruganKenkyu 17 (1989), 1-20. [A study on Bach's ornaments: focusing on the examples from his organ works]
216. Tsukioka, Masaaki:   Kenban Gakki no Rekishiteki Soho ni tsuite. OruganKenkyu 1 (1973), 13-24. An old method of playing keyboard instruments.
217. Tsukioka, Masaaki:   Nitancho Toccata BWV 565 wa J. S. Bach no Orugan Kyoku ka. Peter Williams no Ronbun Shokai. OruganKenkyu 9 (1981), 33-46. [Is the D-minor Toccata BWV 565 BAch's Organ work? Introducing Peter Williams' article]
218. Tsukioka, Masaaki (ed.):   Praeludium et Fuga in D, BWV 532 / Johann Sebastian Bach. Osaka: Pax-Allen, 2006. 20p. C3073. ISBN: 4-938185-20-2. [BWV 532]
219. Ulloa, Mário:   Gavotte I BWV 995: reduçăo e performance musical. Urucungo 1/1 (1998) [Gavotte I, BWV 995: Reduction analysis and performance]
220. Ushiyama, Mitsuru:   Ongaku Kansho no Chishiki. [Knowledge of Music Appreciation] - Tokyo: Kyobunsha, 1924. 470p. [J. S. Bach = pp.210-231; Brandenburg Concertos, pp. 334f.]
221. Vaahtoranta, Martti:   J.S.Bach und das Luthertum--eine zufallige Kombination?: Bilderverehrung und Abendmahlsanbetung bei Johann Gerhard. [J.S. Bach and Lutheranism--a coincidental combination?: Veneration of images and the veneration of the sacrament of Communion in the works of Johann Gerhard] In: Grundbegriffe christlicher Asthetik. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1997. 172p. ISBN: 3-447-03855-1.
222. Venezia, Mike:   Johann Sebastian Bach. Written and illustrated by Mike Venezia. - New York; London; Hong Kong; Sydney; Danbury; Connecticut, 1998. 32p. (= Getting to know the world's greatest composers).
223. Videla, Mario:   Albert Schweitzer, el organista. RadioClasica 10/115 (Feb 1998), 35-38.
224. Videla, Mario:   La Biblia personal de J.S. Bach. MusicaInvestigacion 3/6 (2000), 135-142. [J.S. Bach's personal Bible]
225. Voinova, Marina Vladislavovna:   Simvolika I. S. Baha v organnoj muzyke XX veka. NaucnyeTrudy 56 (2006), 121-132. [J. S. Bach's symbolism in 20th-century organ music]
226. Wakakuwa, Midori:   Kaiga ni arawareta 'Ieru Junan' no sugata: Catholic to Protestant. BachZenshu 7 (Oct 1996), 102-115. [The figure of 'Jesus's Crucifixion' in paintings: Catholic and Protestant]
227. Waldura, Markus:   Heinrich Christoph Koch--Hofkapellmitglied, Musiktheoretiker und Komponist. BeitrSchwarzburgKunstKulturGes 6 (1997), 147-178.
228. Waldura, Markus:   Zu Johann Matthesons Lehre von den Ab- und Einschnitten der Klang-Rede. Mtheorie 16/3 (2001), 195-219.
229. Wenda, Manuel:   b@ch für uns: Das Bachfest Leipzig 2012. MKirche 82/5 (Sep-Oct 2012), 372-374. Berichte.
230. Yamada, Masahiro:   J.S. Bach no Clavier Kumikyokushu ni okeru Allemand to Courante: Kifu ni yoru Bunrui to Tempo no Kankei. BulSeitokuU 15 (2004), 91-98. [Allemandes and Courantes in Suites for Clavier by J. S. Bach: The relationship between their tempi and types classified with notation]
231. Yamada, Mitsugu:   Bach no Mubanso Sakuhin no Henkyoku / Kenbanka. [1] AnnGifuShotokuGakuenU 41 (2002), 127-148. [Versuch einer Transkription von 'Soli senza Basso'zur Dergleichen 'con Basso' in Bach'schen Werken 1]
232. Yamada, Mitsugu:   Bach no Mubanso Sakuhin no Henkyoku / Kenbanka (2). AnnGifuShotokuGakuenU 42 (2003), 53-71. [Versuch einer Transkription von 'Soli senza Basso'zur Dergleichen 'con Basso' in Bach'schen Werken (2)]
233. Yamada, Mitsugu:   Bach no Mubanso Sakuhin no Henkyoku / Kenbanka (3). AnnGifuShotokuGakuenU 44 (2005), 47-63. [Versuch einer Transkription von 'Soli senza Basso'zur Dergleichen 'con Basso' in Bach'schen Werken (3)]
234. Yamada, Mitsugu:   Bach to Rauten Klavier: Ushinawareta Gakki o motomete. [Bach and Lautenklavier: in search of the lost instrument] - Tokyo: Sinfonia, 2001. 242p. ISBN: 4883953750.
235. Yamada, Mutsugu:   Bach to Lauten-Klavier: Ushinawareta Gakki o motomete. [Bach and Lautenklavier: in search of the lost instrument] Tokyo: Sinfonia, 2001. 242p. ISBN: 4883953750.
236. Yamashita, Michiko:   Doitsu no Kenban Kumikyoku ni fukumareru Allemande: Takuto-ron no Suii kara mita Yoshiki Bunseki no kokoromi. OngakuKenkyu 4 (1982), 1-36. [Allemande contained in German Keyboard Suites: an attempt of style analysis from the transition of the Beat Theory]
237. Yamashita, Michiko:   Kuhnau to Bach ... Futari no Thomas Kantoru. BCJ 37 (Feb 1999), 16-21. Kuhnau and Bach -- two Thomascantors.
238. Yamashita, Michiko:   Leipzig to Bach no Kantoru Shunin. BCJ 35 (Sep 1998), 20-25. [Leipzig and Bach's appointment as cantor]
239. Yamashita, Michiko:   'Schütz to Schein no Yube' ni yosete. BCJ 13 (May 1994) [For the evening of Schütz and Schein]
240. Yoshida, Miwako:   C.P.E. Bach no Klavier Konzert Wq.43 no gakufu kotei. diss. (1976), 75p. [A revision of the score of the clavier concertos Wq. 43 by C.P.E. Bach.] MA diss., Musicology: Ochanomizu University, 1976. 2v. 75p
241. Zadora, Michael:   Aria (G-Dur) aus der Matthäus-Passion für Pianoforte zum Konzertvortrag bearb. v. Michael Zadora. - Berlin: Bote & Bock, c1916. 7p. Pl.-Nr.: 18653. [Presumably 'Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder', BWV 244/42]
242. Zadora, Michael (arr.):   Konzert für Orgel / Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. für Pianoforte bearb. v. Michael v. Zadora. - Berlin: Simrock [1911]
243. Zadora, Michael (arr.):   Orgelchoral (In dulci jubilo) / Johann Sebastian Bach. Für Klavier allein gesetzt von Michael von Zadora. - Berlin [u.a.]: Simrock, c 1912. 3p. Pl.-Nr. 12989. [BWV 368]
244. Zadora, Michael (arr.):   Prelude and Fugue in G minor (for organ). Transcribed for the piano by Michael Zadora. - New York: G. Schirmer, [1955] 11p. [Präludien und Fugen für Orgel. Erste Folge. No. 5]
245. Zadora, Michael (arr.):   Präludium und Fuge in A moll von Joh. Seb. Bach. [Für Pianoforte] übertragen von Michael Zadora. - Leipzig [u.a.]: Leuckart, c1917. 3-7p. Pl.-Nr. F.E.C.L. 7651. [BWV 551]
246. Zadora, Michael (arr.):   Präludium und Fuge in D moll von Joh. Seb. Bach. [Für Pianoforte] übertragen von Michael Zadora. - Leipzig [u.a.]: Leuckart, c1917. 3-9p. Pl.-Nr. F.E.C.L. 7652. [BWV 539]
247. Zadora, Michael (arr.):   Siciliano (aus der Es dur-Sonate für Pianoforte und Flöte) / Johann Sebastian Bach. für Pianoforte allein gesetzt von Michael von Zadora. - Berlin [u.a.]: Simrock, c1911. 3p. Pl.-Nr. 12840. [BWV 1031/2 (Anh. II)]
248. Zijlstra, Miep:   De Bach-cantatas in liturgisch verband. MensMelodie 25/12 (1970), 78-80.
249. Zijlstra, Miep:   Een vernieuwde Johannes-Passie. MensMelodie 28 (1973), 115-117.
250. Zorilova, Ljudmila S.; Sidorova, Margarita Borisovna (eds.):   Muzykal'naja pedagogika: Ispolnitel'stvo. III. Moskva, Russia: Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Institut Kul'tury, 1998. 105p. [contents]
251. Škerjanc, Lucijan Marija:   G. F. Händel. ZivljenjeSvet 9:17/ 8, 9 (17, 24 Feb 1935), 215-219; 242-244.
252. Škerjanc, Lucijan Marija:   J. S. Bach. ZivljenjeSvet 9:17/12 (17 Mar 1935), 329-330.
253. Škerjanc, Lucijan Marija:   J. S. Bach (Ob 250 letnici rojstva.) Jutro 16/67 (21 Mar 1935), 6. [J. S. Bach (marking his 250th birthday)]
254. Škerjanc, Lucijan Marija:   Trije glasbeni jubileji. NasVal 2/12 (1935), 6-7. [Three musical anniversaries]
255. Štraub, Žan Mari [Straub, Jean-Marie]:   Anna Magdalena Bach. Beograd: Filmska redakcija Studenskog kulturnog centra, [1981]. 35p. (= Edorado; 2)
256. Űžak, Kiralina Iosifovna; Milka, Anatolij Pavlovič; Frid, Rafael' Zalmanovič; Rajskin, Iosif Genrihovič:   Aleksandr Naumovič Dolžanskij: Sbornik statej k 100-letiű so dnâ roždeniâ. [Aleksandr Naumovič Dolžanskij: Collection of articles on the centenary of birth] - Sankt-Peterburg: Sudarynâ, 2008. 512p. [contents] Latin 2

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